EnviroSure was retained to conduct Site Characterization activities and complete a Remedial Action Completion Report to support site closure at a former polyurethane foam products facility. Operating from 1957 through 2003, the facility had a historical release of the volatile organic compound (VOC) methylene chloride (MeCl) from a former 6,000-gallon MeCl above ground storage tank (AST) located on the site. The release impacted the underlying soils and groundwater.
EnviroSure coordinated site activities closely with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) and successfully petitioned for a reduction to four rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling to satisfy attainment requirements. EnviroSure developed a site conceptual model and completed an analysis of potential exposure pathways. Site characterization and remedial action completion activities were conducted in accordance with 25 PA Code Chapter 245, specifically §245.310 and §245.313 under the PADEP Tank Program regulations. This project also followed guidance set forth in §250.204 and §250.312 of the Pennsylvania Act 2 Program. Fieldwork was conducted in accordance with procedure requirements outlined in the Groundwater Monitoring Guidance Manual and completed under the supervision of our PA-licensed professional geologist. Attainment requirements for groundwater under Pennsylvania Code §250.704, as well as Statewide Heath Standards, was achieved.
EnviroSure prepared an Environmental Covenant to allow for the relatively minor amount of VOC-impacted soil to remain in place. The soil was required to be capped by the existing asphalt. The work was completed to enable the owner of the Site to obtain a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) loan.