EnviroSure performed PA/SI activities at a former commercial offset printing facility in conjunction with the sale of the property to assess potentially hazardous environmental conditions. Sale of the property triggered the Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) process. The PA resulted in the identification of 10 areas of concern (AOCs). Of the AOCs identified, further investigation was recommended for three AOCs (a loading dock drain, a stormwater infiltration basin, and historical farmland-use).
EnviroSure conducted a SI of the three AOCs to further evaluate potential environmental impacts, and develop recommendations for remedial actions, as appropriate. EnviroSure developed AOC-specific sampling plans consistent with NJDEP guidance for contaminants unique to each area such as pesticides, arsenic, lead, and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). SI activities consisted of soil sampling, laboratory analysis, and analytical data interpretation. Based on the laboratory analytical results from samples collected in the three AOCs, EnviroSure recommended remedial action associated with the surface stone within and adjacent to the stormwater infiltration basin due to the presence entrapped soils and detritus containing contaminants and PAH constituent concentrations exceeding NJDEP standards, presenting potential exposures.
EnviroSure oversaw remedial activities, including excavation and transport, of the stone within and adjacent to the infiltration basin. Contaminated materials were transported for recycling at an off-site facility. The effectiveness of the remedial action was documented by laboratory analysis of post-excavation soil samples obtained following NJDEP requirements in the Technical Requirements and NJDEP Field Sampling Procedures Manual.
EnviroSure prepared the final report for submittal to NJDEP in compliance with the NJ ISRA and the guidelines/recommendations presented in the NJ Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (N.J.A.C. 7:26E et seq).