EnviroSure prepared a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the site during the due diligence period prior to acquisition of the site by the client. During the Phase I ESA, it was determined that the site was a former commercial gasoline station and had an underground storage tank (UST) system removed in approximately 1999. Subsequent investigations determined that impacted soil related to release(s) of petroleum product from the UST system had previously occurred. Impacted soil characterization work was performed by others and the site was subsequently redeveloped in its current configuration.
EnviroSure conducted soil site characterization sampling to determine the current soil conditions on the Site. Prior to site mobilization, EnviroSure secured the necessary City of Philadelphia Street Closure Application and completed a Pennsylvania One-Call request.
Soil borings were advanced using a Geoprobe® rig to depths of 15 feet below ground surface (fbgs). Additionally, two soil borings were advanced through the basement floor using a core drill to collect samples from 15 fbgs. Soil samples were collected from the borings to adequately characterize site soils for Site closure.
Following completion of the soil characterization work, EnviroSure met with the PADEP and the client at the site to discuss the PADEP’s request for a groundwater investigation. EnviroSure was able to obtain information from SEPTA to show that groundwater was unlikely to have been impacted by the historical release. PADEP waived the groundwater investigation requirement. EnviroSure has completed contracted work to date.