EnviroSure reviewed the environmental history and performed attainment sampling at a welding, engineering and fabrication services facility in Williamsport, PA. EnviroSure initially performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and as a result two areas of concern (AOCs) were identified. AOCs consisted of surface soil in an area where slag grit was formerly staged and groundwater that was impacted by two acid releases that occurred in 1982 (600-gallons; sulfuric) and 1983 (2,000-gallons; nitric), and from the run-on of chlorinated solvent compounds from indeterminate off-site sources. The environmental issues identified on the site were also identified on the deed for the site. The client opted to enter into the Pennslyvania Act 2 Program to obtain relief from liability afforded under Act 2.
The attainment sampling for the soil AOCs was completed by EnviroSure in 2012. Eleven surface soil samples were collected from 0.0 to 0.5 ft. below ground surface (bgs), which would have been immediately beneath the former slag grit. Samples were submitted to a chemical analytical laboratory for Priority Pollutant Metals analyses.
Four consecutive rounds of quarterly groundwater monitoring were performed to demonstrate attainment for the groundwater media. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for full volatile organic compound (VOCs) analyses according to EPA Method 8260B. Analytical results did not identify the presence of VOCs at concentrations above current Act 2 (25 PA Code Chapter 250) Residential and Non-Residential MSCs. With regulatory approval, EnviroSure reduced the scope for groundwater attainment demonstration based on the data results and review of the historical documentation.
Additional remediation was not performed as part of site closure based on the results of the surface soil and groundwater attainment demonstration. EnviroSure confirmed that the AOCs were fully remediated. PADEP approved the Final Act 2 report and the client was provided liability protection afforded under Act 2. Remaining monitoring wells were permanently abandoned.