Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Former Dry Cleaning Facility

EnviroSure conducted a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of a former dry cleaning facility in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Upon review of a previous Phase I ESA, EnviroSure’s scope of services included conducting a soil boring investigation with collection of soil samples for laboratory analyses of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with historical use of the Site as a dry cleaning facility and suspected use of a septic system.

The soil boring investigation was completed using a portable Geoprobe unit which allowed access to the areas of concern in the interior of the Site building. A Professional Engineer of EnviroSure logged soil lithology and collected soil samples during the investigation. Samples were collected from soil with the greatest likelihood of conamination based on PID readings, odors, and field observations. The soil samples were submitted to a Pennsylvania-certified laboratory to test for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with dry cleaning chemicals.

Signs of impacted soil were not observed during the soil boring investigation and concentrations of the VOCs analyzed were not detected based on the laboratory analytical results. Based on the findings of the Phase I ESA, EnviroSure did not recommend additional investigation of the historical use of the Site as a dry cleaning facility.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment // Soil Boring Investigation // Laboratory Coordination // Analytical Data Analysis