The Vineland Chemical Company manufactured arsenic-based herbicides from 1950 to 1994 on a 54-acre site in a residential and industrial area in the northern part of the City of Vineland. As a result of water contacting the exposed piles of byproduct waste arsenic salts and discharge of arsenic-contaminated wastewater in unlined lagoons, arsenic has contaminated the subsurface soils, groundwater, and the adjacent Blackwater Branch, a tributary to the Maurice River.
A large business, under contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District (USACE), retained EnviroSure to conduct a drilling program in 2011. The goal of the drilling program was to further delineate, both vertically and horizontally, portions of the arsenic plume in groundwater at the site.
During the drilling program, EnviroSure advanced approximately 30 soil borings to depths up to 70 feet below ground surface (bgs) and assisted in the collection of soil samples for laboratory analyses. Following completion of the soil borings, EnviroSure installed approximately 20 groundwater monitoring wells. EnviroSure surveyed the wells and containerized and moved drill cuttings and well development water to an onsite treatment facility. Prior to the start of work, EnviroSure prepared a Field Sampling Plan (FSP), Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), and an addendum to the existing USACE-approved site Health and Safety Plan (HASP). The plans were reviewed and approved by the USACE prior to the commencement of field work. EnviroSure summarized field work in a final report, approved by the USACE.